Emergencies don’t come with a notice, So Know CPR and save lives. Firstly We should all know what is Heart Attack? A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies. If we talk about the symptoms of heart attack- Chest pain Discomfort in other area of your body Difficulty breathing and dizziness Nausea and cold sweats Above are the major symptoms that we all should know to rescue the situation when someone follow by heart attack. What to do when heart stops breathing? When someone get heart attack, In such situation to give immediate CPR can increase double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. So many of times we had heard that this person has died following heart attack. According to the Indian Heart Association, 50% of all heart attacks in Indians occur under 50 years of age and 25% of all heart attacks in Indians occur under 40 years of age. In India, more than 17 Lakh...